Friday, February 19, 2010


Got up this morning around six after more than an hour of restless not sleeping... feeling sick and really anxious and guilty!  Over a number of things, but the main one (also what was causing me to feel sick) was having too many beers last night.  Why do i keep doing this to myself?  For an hour or two of feeling good I have that one-too-many drink and feel like crap the next day.  Crap.  So, my initial reaction is that I need to make some rules.  No more than two drink in one night, ever, maybe.  Or no more than 7 total in one week.  Or no more than 3 but that much only once every two weeks.  Or maybe I should give up alcohol for the rest of lent.  

Then I got up and read a bit in Crazy Love (Francis Chan), and ironically the chapter was on not worrying or being stressed.  And there was this verse, "so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God," (1 Cor. 10:31).  And I realized:  God doesn't care how much I drink.  I mean, he doesn't have a formula... "For thou height and weight ratio thou shalt only partake of two alcoholic drinks per day, and no more than three days a week."  Instead, God care about whether I am bringing glory to him or I have my head stuck in the blinding sand of the world according to me.  

I thought about all of the things I have been thinking about lately, and they are pretty much all self-indulgent time wasters, at best.  So one thing I decided is that if I'm going to have a blog, which for some reason I feel like having right now, then it too is going to be for the glory of God.  Because the point of my life is to point to him (-Francis Chan).   

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