Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mt. Sorak (Soraksan)

A friend, Emma, and I went away for the weekend to Korea's largest mountain (I think... at least the most popular) to do some hiking, painting, and just get away from our husbands and city life.  Hiking in Korea is a bit different than in the States, mainly because you shard every trail with swarms of close (or not so close) friends.  Once you get a few miles in its not so bad, but still I don't know that there was ever a time when we couldn't see another person somewhere around us.  But on the plus side, we got to see some beautiful pavilions and a really big Buddha.

The crazy thing was, after a sunny Sunday probably in the 40s, we woke up Monday morning to a foot of snow!!  We were fortunate to get a bus back to Seoul, as they were booking up fast, but I thought that I might die that day in a full bus rambling across snow covered mountain highways.  I have lived in Seoul long enough that I do not have full faith in the ability of Korean bus drivers... but to my great relief (and that of my future children) this one did his job well.  More than once we stopped, and all I could see out the window was white, headlights and flashers of cars facing both directions in no visible lanes, and a terrifyingly steep cliff on the other side of a flimsy aluminum rail just outside the window.  But we live to die another day...

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